Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Standard 1

Scientific and theoretical knowledge
- Physical education teacher candidates know and applies discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individual

Elements- teacher Candidates will:

Describe and apply motor learning and psychological/behavioral theory related to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness

Artifact: Gymnastics instructor
While working at the gymnastics center it was my job to teach the students the proper form of the skills. Many times i would have to come up with different variations to teach the children because some didn't understand. I would sometimes stop students in the middle of there skills so I could point out there mistake and try to help them fix it. I ended up learning new ways to teach the same skill. I made sure that I watched every student because if I caught there mistake early it was easier to fix.

New York Standard for Physical Education
Standard 1
- Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health

Key ideas- students will:

Perform basic motor and manipulative skills. They will attain competency in a variety of physical activities and proficient in a few select complex motor and sport activities

Design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength , endurance, and body composition.

Standard 2

Standard 2
Skill and fitness based competence
- Physical education teachers are physically educated indiviuals with the knowledge and skill necessary to demostrate competent movement performance and health enhancing fitness as delineated in NASPE K-12 standards

Elements- Teacher candidates will:

Achieve and maintain health-enhancing level of fitness throughout the program

Artifact: Track National Champion
During the track season of 2008, the Herkimer County Community College girls team won track nationals for the NJCAA. I have been an ative member of track and running for all my life. I was on the Patchogue Medford cross country, track and gymnastics team. In Community college i was a member of the Cross country team and track team. At SUNY cortland i was a memeber of the club gymastics team. On the side of all that running I am an active dancer, i took tap for 15 years and still try to dance everyday. Even if I am not on a team at the moment I am still active and try to participate in physical activity everyday.

New York Standard for Physical Education
Standard 2
- Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy enviorment.

Key ideas: students will-

Demostrate responsible perosnal and social behavior while engaging in physical activity. They will understand that physical activity provied the opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self expression, and comunication

Be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experiene for all participants

Standard 3

Planning and Implications
- Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, sate and national standards to address the diverse needs of students.

Elements- teacher candidates will:

Plan and implement progressive and sequential instruction that addresses the diverse needs of ll students

Artifact: Gymnastics Instructor
Working at Julies Gym I often had to start teaching students the basics of gymnastics and then building upon that. As we learned more complexed skills I would use demonstration, and visual aids. Also to help the students I would make modifications to make the skill harder and easier. I would use blocks and spotting to make sure the students were safe. I made sure that the students had masted there skill before moving on to the next one.

New York State Standard for Physical Education
Standard 3
- students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources

Key Ideas: Students will-

1. Will be aware and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity

2. Be informed consumes and be able to evaluate facilities and programs

3. Be aware of some career options in the field of physical fitness and sports

Standard 4

Instructional Delivery and Management
- Physical Education teacher candidates use effective communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance students engagement and learning.

Elements for teacher candidates:

Implement strategies to help students demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in a productive learning environment

Artifact: YMCA camp consular
The first couple of days at camp, we play games that let the campers get to know each other and to interact with each other. Camp is about creating a safe and fun environment for the children to playing. The children are often shy and afraid on the first day, we play these introduction games to try and minimize that. Once we have gotten over the introductions and start to create bond with each other we can move on in our group development

Standard 5

Impact on Student learning
- Physical education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and informed instruction.

Elements: Teacher candidates will

Use appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during and after instruction

Artifact: Stats and assessments
In stats and assessments we were taught the proper way of creating, administering and grading students on there physical skills and cognitive skills. We were able to use our assessment during our teaching lesson. The assessments made the goals that we want to achieve more defined. The students know what we are looking for. I learned that I can asses students on their affective behavior, cognitive capabilities and skills.

Standard 6

- Physical Education teacher candidates demonstrate essential to become effective

Elements: Teacher candidates will:

Communicate in ways that convey respect and sensitivity.

Artifact: YMCA Camp consular
When I work at the YMCA i often have to face children with disabilities and children who are not from this country. These children often aquire more attention and care then the other children in my group. I make sure that i respect all the children in my group the same way. There is no favoristism. Each child need respect and care from an adult figure. I have the capabilities to provide them with the care and respect that they need.