Wednesday, May 12, 2010

255 final finally

1. The website is from, North America, Canada, Saskatoon

2. I think it’s really sad how the students are being sent to this school, not knowing how to read and write when in 8th grade. It is interesting that the study shows that when they are physically active they are able to get a mental work out too. It refreshing to see administrators and principles behind this findings. I don’t know if I agree with the physical fitness in the classroom, because most teachers are not as educated in physical activity as we are.

3. The teachers are putting the physical fitness in the classroom, totally getting rid of physical education in a gym. I feel that minimal physical activity in a classroom would be appropriate. But the bulk of there physical fitness should be in the gym. Being a physical education teacher we are trained to teach physical fitness.

4. Students that participate in physical activity in class are easier to deal with. The behavioral problems drop and the teacher can actually teach. I feel like the old physical education will not have these outcomes but the new physical education that we are trying to get into will have these same benefits and outcomes if the teacher actually cares abut there students. The NYS standards are pushing toward these goals but they don’t give you the proper material, they are just guide lines to follow. The teacher can follow them or not, so the teacher is the main source of pushing the standards or not.

5. BDNF, is a protein also know as brain derived neurotrophic factor. This protein help’s with the growth of neutrons. The more neutrons we have the faster our reaction time and mental capacity increases. Two books that talk about BDNF are : Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John Ratey and
“Nature's Ritalin for the Marathon Mind” by Stephen C. Putnam

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